Common Issues and Repairs
At Wildlife Advocates we are focused on utilizing our knowledge of animal tendencies and understanding of building construction to identify how nuisance wildlife may be getting in to a space, effectively exclude them, and create permanent lasting repairs. Entry is common both at the roofline and ground level. Our primary methods of repairing animal entry points uses galvanized steel flashing or Hardware cloth backed with black spray foam for a discrete repair.
Roofline Entry
Common wildlife to gain entry through your roof line include squirrels, rats, raccoons, birds, and bats. The primary areas of vulnerability are generally concentrated to roof junctions, vents, and where the edge of the roofline meets the gutter. If you have an animal in the attic there is a good chance it entered through one of these areas. These issues are usually a result of the settling of a home over time, deterioration from exposure, or the common issue of roofers and builders focused on preventing water intrusion that overlook gaps that wildlife could take advantage of.  We carefully consider the time of year as well as utilize other eco friendly strategies when excluding any animal to ensure we are not separating a mother from immobile young.
Roof Vents
In Seattle homes rats and squirrels often get through the factory screen on these vents with little trouble. We can either add vent cages or completely replace them with an animal-proof reinforced screen. We ensure our repairs keep out invading pests without compromising the integrity of your roof.